HotProfile: Christine’s English School


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6 Reviews for “Christine’s English School Guam”
  1. December 5th, 2014
    Hisup Says:

    Hi. I have two kids who are 6 and 7 (Korean age) respectively. Do you have something like two-week English program for my kids, which would start say, the beginning of the third week next January?

    Your prompt reply will be sincerely appreciated as we are planning our winter holiday in Guam.


  2. November 5th, 2013
    Valerie C. Vy Manibusan Says:

    For any inquiries about classes, you may call (671) 646-8205 or email [email protected]. Thank you in advance for your business.

  3. September 22nd, 2012
    jin Says:

    Hi my name is jin and currently living in japan, i would like to know if you have 3 days English course for kinder kids k2level ? If so, i would like to inquire how much ?

  4. June 11th, 2011
    Shi Ling Fa Says:

    Can I have your website or email address maybe?

  5. June 11th, 2011
    Shi Ling Fa Says:


    I am Lovely (English name) from China and I ‘m looking for a good school where I can learn better English which wouldn’t cost me too much. Do you accept foreign students? If so, how can I apply and what information do I need to know? Please advice me accordingly.


    Shi Ling Fa

  6. April 5th, 2009
    Aimi Says:

    I studied English language in Christine’s English School when I first arrived in Tamuning. I was too worried that I might have a hard time learning, yet my teachers were so patient and professional. They didn’t give up on me and so now I am happy to be able to communicate in English way better than I used to before.

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Christine’s English School in Guam. Guam Christine’s English School.  Guam info, Guam Christine’s English School | z 6:36 am | Friday, December 26, 2008 | HotGuam-Education | 6:36 | | 2008, December 26, Friday | guam vacation, 6:36 | Friday, December 26th, 2008 | 6:36 am