University of Guam

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Submit a QuikReview™ for: University of Guam Guam |
I’ll be going here next year. I am so excited. My older sister and brother graduated here. I am thrilled to follow in their footsteps.
I am so proud to graduate from University of Guam. I finished a nursing degree, and it was one of the most intense degrees in this institution. The teachers were all well-rounded and intelligent. Most of them were my inspiration. Thank you my alma mater!
Graduate photo’s Masters Public Administration
Review of UOG Graduate photo’s
It’s a nice, simple school and that’s about it.
It’s a commuter school so there aren’t too much protests on the campus or a lot of students sitting around discussing politics and books and being righteous fellows, it’s not lively as UC Berkley or some other happenin’ school. The academics are fine and you get to meet a lot of people from as far away as Germany.