HotProfile: New Horizons Guam


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4 Reviews for “New Horizons Guam Guam”
  1. August 20th, 2011
    Toni Says:

    I saw the video and found it interesting. I’ll probably enroll in one of their courses. I hope I’ll get awesome results.

  2. June 22nd, 2011
    RJ Says:

    I’m interested with your Mentored Learning I just saw from the video. How can I enroll and what’s your website?

  3. June 10th, 2011
    BizyProf Says:

    Mentored learning is an awesome learning style for professionals and adults. They just nailed it. I was looking for a learning strategy that works just like this. I can work on my own pace and I have someone to teach me while I can do what I have learned hands on, there and then.

  4. August 20th, 2010
    Online Student Says:

    New Horizons is the best at it’s craft for me! I like the fact that they provide numerous options for interested people to learn. I was one of their students who studied online. I can say that I have learned a lot from their computer trainings.

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New Horizons Guam in Guam. Guam New Horizons Guam.  Guam holidays, Guam New Horizons Guam | z 6:32 am | Sunday, February 22, 2009 | HotGuam-Education | 6:48 | | 2009, February 22, Sunday | guam vacation, 6:32 | Sunday, February 22nd, 2009 | 6:48 am